Interpreting India

Philipp Ackermann on India and Germany's Strategic Partnership

Episode Summary

The relationship between India and Germany doesn’t receive as much attention as it deserves. In recent years, however, the bilateral partnership has received a big impetus, both economically and geopolitically. India and Germany have had a strategic partnership since 2001, but have recently also embarked on a Green Strategic Partnership for green and sustainable development. In this episode of Interpreting India, Philipp Ackermann joins Anirudh Suri to discuss India and Germany's strategic partnership and the economic, military, and geopolitical drivers of this relationship.

Episode Notes

The relationship between India and Germany doesn’t receive as much attention as it deserves. In recent years, however, the bilateral partnership has received a big impetus, both economically and geopolitically. India and Germany have had a strategic partnership since 2001, but have recently also embarked on a Green Strategic Partnership for green and sustainable development. What is that about? Where does this relationship stand currently? What are the challenges in taking this relationship to the next level? What are the economic, military and geopolitical drivers of this relationship? And what can India learn from how Germany has become an economic and industrial superpower? What can Germany learn from India’s own dynamic startup ecosystem? And finally, how can the two countries cooperate on major global challenges such as climate?

In this episode of Interpreting India, Philipp Ackermann joins Anirudh Suri to discuss India and Germany's strategic partnership and the economic, military, and geopolitical drivers of this relationship. 


Episode Contributors

Philipp Ackermann is the current ambassador of Germany to India. He has studied art history and economics in Bonn, Heidelberg and Utrecht, and received his doctorate in art history in 1993, the same year that he joined the German Foreign Service. Before becoming Ambassador to India, he was Director General for Africa, Latin America, Near and Middle East at the Federal Foreign Office for five years.

Anirudh Suri is a nonresident scholar with Carnegie India. His interests lie at the intersection of technology and geopolitics, climate, and strategic affairs. 


Additional Reading

Germany woos India as an ally against Russia by Christoph Hasselbach


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